Changes to Your Bills
Yes, invoices will be sent from Alertcom and payments are made to the same bank, so you shouldn’t need to update any details with your team. A logo will appear on the invoice with Alertcom, a Peoplesafe company.
No, however, you can review devices allocated to teams on Nexus under the Device page. You will receive emails to confirm any orders or cancellations throughout the month to review against your invoice. These emails will include information on the requester, the team, and the device itself.
Invoices will show the total quantity of devices/services invoiced for the full month.
Any devices ordered or devices cancelled will appear as additional lines on the invoice with the service period which will reflect the days the device was in your account.
Instead of unit price, the price per month will be listed as a column.
VAT will be summarised at the bottom of the invoice instead of listed by line item.
Amount GBP will be shown as Total Price.
Contact information for remittances and queries are now listed at the bottom of the invoice.