Dignity & Peoplesafe
Life before Peoplesafe
Employees at Dignity faced risks while working alone, commuting, and performing hazardous tasks in remote locations.
Finding a safety solution that met the needs of employees in diverse roles was a challenge.
Managers struggled to track the safety of employees working outside regular office hours.
Dignity couldn’t be sure employees returned home safely at the end of their day, adding to concerns about their overall safety.
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Life with Peoplesafe
Peoplesafe provides tailored safety solutions for over 5,000 employees based on their risk profile.
Peoplesafe ensures the quickest possible response in an emergency, providing peace of mind for managers and their teams.
Personal safety initiatives now extend beyond work, offering reassurance during commutes and in employee's personal lives.
Safety initiatives have enhanced morale, retention, and recruitment efforts, positioning Dignity as a people-focused organisation.