Company wide If you only have a few people, create one plan and add it to your company settings to apply it to all. Do this as best practice.
Team ManagerIf you have more than a few people, separate Users into Teams. Create one plan with the first step as a call to the Team Manager.
Multiple plans If you have lots of people and lots of Escalation Contacts, create multiple plans and add them to specific Teams.
Always create an escalation plan for your company-wide settings. Even if you create more plans for specific teams, the company-wide escalation plan can be accessed if the contacts assigned to the primary escalation plan are unreachable.
Escalation plans can be as flexible as you need them to be. We recommend that you keep it simple and focus on the importance of picking the right Escalation Contacts for the right people first.
Escalation plans are just groups of Escalation Contacts with clear instructions to follow in the event an alarm is raised and requires escalation.
The primary escalation plan will be the plan assigned to the primary team of a User. This will automatically be the first team you add a User to, though you can update this by selecting the User's name in the people page.