Reporting Adoption
If you have just joined Peoplesafe or have been migrated to Nexus, read our tips in reporting on the uptake of services by getting a live overview of your account. This will help yu understand who has accessed Nexus or Peoplesafe products for the first time.
Report on all people within your account, see:
which role they have assigned to them,
if they have products assigned,
whether they have logged into Nexus, and
if they have portal access.
This report will help you track uptake for Managers, Admins and also app users accessing Nexus to protect themselves or their employees.
View the assignment of devices and apps and whether they have been activated for the first time using this report.
This report will show you if people have started to use the service when they have been asked to.
A live overview of all profiles within your account and their status.
Admins and app users must have portal access and we recommend that Team Managers also have access enabled. App users must be logged in for their app to be set up.
Select the filter ‘Has Portal Access’ to ‘Yes’ then apply.
Sort the list by selecting the Last portal login.
If Last portal login is blank this person has not yet logged into Nexus.
If Last portal login shows a date/time then this person has successfully logged into Nexus.
When setting up your account, use this report to check that users are activated and they have products assigned and ready for use.
Select the filter Role type to User
Select Has device/app to None and apply to see who has not yet got a device or app assigned
Select Has device/app filter to Device/app to see who has one assigned.
This report allows you to see the current status of your products and which are assigned.
Assignment will show you who is assigned to a device or app.
The summaries at the top of the report will show you a total of assigned and available devices & apps. The table below will detail specific devices & phones.
The last communication date and last battery fields will be blank if the device or app has not yet been active.
For apps, the phone number will be blank if they have not yet signed into their app to set it up.
Use these fields to check which people, teams or groups have not yet set up or activated their personal safety products as you have instructed.