Personal safety concerns in professional services reveal a gender disparity, with women reporting significantly higher levels of worry compared to men.
Specifically, women are twice as likely to be concerned for their safety when travelling home after working late and are 11% more concerned on average across all areas when working late, travelling for business or on their commute.
These concerns are reflected in behaviours, with 50% of women reporting avoiding working late due to personal safety concerns compared to 42% of men. This is especially troubling, as women's reluctance to work late due to fear may limit opportunities for career advancement and negatively impact job satisfaction.
Compared to men, women are more concerned regarding the absence of a formal check-in system. In our research, 39% of women and 20% of men expressed worries towards the absence of a check-in system within their organisation.
This divide in personal safety concerns highlights the need for employers to create a safe and supportive workplace for all employees, regardless of gender.